Wednesday 2 March 2016

[Windows] Using FFmpeg to record directly from a Logitech C920

ffmpeg -f dshow -s 1920x1080 -rtbufsize 200000k -i video="Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920" c:/output.mp4

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Uneddit Reddit bookmarklet for mobile.

To view deleted comments on Reddit ;

Create a new bookmark and then replace the location with the following code :


Credit :

Saturday 12 March 2011

Cloning a 500gig drive with DD

Find a live linux distro and open a shell/konsole.

Type hdparm -i /dev/sda(lowercase i) to get extended drive information where the  drive number is specified by sda.
sda is the first drive, sdb the second, sdc the third and so forth.

Alternatively use smartctl -i /dev/sda or sdb or whatever your device is called that you need to identify. This will give the serial number which is useful if both drives are identical.

Type dd if=/dev/* of=/dev/** bs=32256
* refers to the source drive that you wish to clone, sda in my case and ** refers to the destination or empty drive.

My entry was : dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=32M bs refers to block size by the way, if you don't specify it DD will use 512 by default and will take a very long time indeed.
In my case it took just over 2 hours to clone a 500gig sata hard drive.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Disappearing Mask Function in Vegas Pro

Racked my brain for quite a while and after lots of searching turned up nothing except a few people asking the same question. I was convinced I'd turned off a view option but finally figured it out, the software allows the time line to be resized across the mask/position section of the pan/crop areas. When I'd reattached the window that resizing overlapped onto the mask/position area. Resizing that area will again allow you to select the masking option.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

iPad Network Settings Corruption

I had a problem with connecting my ipad to my VPN, I was getting authentication problems or connection problems, after searching for a couple of hours with no hint of a solution I came across a reference to a tip offered by an Apple tech which was to reset network settings and what do you know it worked! I guess network settings are corrupted now and again or the upgrade to 4.2 and the jailbreak broke something . It requires a reboot so beware tethered jailbreakers. You'll also have to re-enter all your network settings including WiFi keys. Simply go to General and select the reset menu :

Then select reset network settings from the next menu :

The ipad should then reboot.

Monday 9 August 2010

Linking To A YouTube Video Timeline

To link to a YT video that starts a specific point in the video append the YouTube url with #t=MMmSSs where MM=minutes and SS=seconds : e.g. :

Wednesday 28 April 2010


Currently working on tidying up for my brother, just making a bit easier to navigate (and moderate) and generally improving it. It has a userbase of around 16,000 members mostly locals but many from around the world.