Had a problem recently with Bad Company 2 (BFBC2) on the XBox360 giving an error on connection : "Unable to connect to EA Online", all other online functionality worked, along with World at War. After trying multiple fixes, opening DMZ on the router for the XBox's IP and pretty much everything else and three days later I had a thought that perhaps the network card in the 360 may be causing the problem, turning off by the standby button obviously wouldn't help because if the construction is similar to a PC then the NIC would still be taking standby power and as the 360 is able to be 'woken' by the wireless controller then that is likely to be the case. I removed the power lead from the back of the console to completely remove power and magically after so much messing about I was instantly able to connect again. Ridiculously simple but it just never occured to me that the NIC would specifically affect one game. Something to try if you found this by Google.